To make every moment of your stay as enriching as possible, we’ve put as much time, energy, and care into the area around The Buttonwood Inn as we have the rooms and building itself.
Before you even step foot into our cozy farmhouse, you’ll be greeted by our lush garden that is teeming with colorful flowers, vivid butterflies, expressive songbirds, and plenty of seating areas so you can sit back and soak it all in.
We put a tremendous amount of effort into the health and beauty of our gardens, and we are so proud of them!
Beyond the typical day-to-day maintenance, twice a year, we invite two of our friends from Delaware, Paul and Polly Sierer, to visit and (literally) dig in. Polly is a horticulturist, and Paul is just as seasoned and knowledgeable.
We rely on their expertise to ensure the plants we look after are friendly to the eye, friendly for the environment, and friendly for the local wildlife.
As you arrive up our hill, you’ll be greeted by the wildflower garden and our stone wall two-level garden.
In the spring, the peonies, lilac, azalea, creeping phlox, daffodils, hyacinths, sweet woodruff, tulips, lily valley, irises, and Columbine will be in bloom.
If you visit us in the summer, you’ll find blooming bee balm, coneflower, lupine, daylilies, primrose, hydrangeas, milkweed, garden phlox, foam flowers, brown-eyed Susan, catnip, wild bleeding heart, Indian pink, meadow rue, kinnikinnick, and sedums.
And during the fall, you’ll be surrounded by blooming bluewood asters, ninebark, burning bush, hydrangeas, goldenrod, sweet alyssum, and of course our trees— sugar maple, birch, beech, oak, ash, aspen, and poplar.
Our milkweed garden is specifically for them, as Monarchs only feed and procreate on milkweeds. Every year, they migrate 3,000 miles from New Hampshire to Mexico, and this is the longest migration of any butterfly in North America.
We’re also pleased to have eastern and black swallowtail, white admiral, painted lady, and great spangled fritillary.
Birds are a big deal here.
The woods surrounding the Inn are filled with a wide variety of species, with the most notable being barred owls, turkeys, pileated and Downey woodpeckers, and many songbirds such as indigo bunting, red-eyed vireo, cardinals, pine warblers, sparrows, and chickadees.
Our gardens also attract several species of hummingbirds!
Over the years, our gardens have been fortunate to host a wide variety of events, including weddings and anniversaries, and we always love to play our part in making someone’s special day that much more memorable.
Because of the size of the immediate outdoor area, there is only a limited amount of room for guests. We’re happy to discuss this, answer questions, and do anything we can so that when you arrive, you can just enjoy yourself and look forward to your celebration.
You can get in touch with us to book your stay or schedule your event by calling (603)356-2625 or clicking the buttons at the top and bottom of this page!